I don't know about you all but I love a good book or an entertaining movie. I am one of those people who feels the need to read the book before I watch the film. This can mean that I will watch something a lot later than everyone else in the world.
When it comes to books that are turned into a film, I like them to be similar.
When I read a story, nine times out of ten I become engrossed in the book and can begin to imagine the characters and what they look like, When they turn books into film, I understand that they try their hardest to get an actor that could suit and I don't mind that sometimes the person on the screen isn't the same as the person who was in your head.
However, the one thing that bugs me is when you are watching a film version of a book you have read and enjoyed and they change the plot slightly. I don't know about you but I can get quite protective of my favourite reads, which is why I felt I had to write this rant.
The thing that made me start writing this post was when I watched the trailer for the sequel to Divergent, which is called Insurgent. As you can see on my bookcase in the pictue above, I have both books and I am currently reading the third and final book,Allegiant, on my iPad,
As a fan of book series such as the Hunger Games and to Twilight, I like a bit of the teenage fiction. So when I heard that Divergent was the next series to be turned into films, I knew that I'd have to pick up the book and have a read before the film came out. It turned out that by the time I had read Divergent, the film was out on DVD so I downloaded it on iTunes and sat down to watch it.
As the film progressed, certain things bugged me about the film. They had made a character, who in the books was quite a large boy into a relatively thin strapping young fellow and there was also something about the ending of the film which annoyed me too.
I got over everything and carried on reading the series because I am a fan of the books. Like I said I am currently reading the third book, when I saw a random tweet saying the new Insurgent trailer was out. I was interested to see what it looked like and again there just seemed to be a few things that weren't the same. I'm not going to ruin the second book's story in case you haven't read it but after seeing the comments on youtube under the trailer I'm not the only person who thinks that they have messed with the book..
I'm going to finish my rant here for now. But I want to know from you, do you like when books are turned into films. ALSO if you were to pick one book to turn into a film, what would it be?
Lots of Love,