Recently I've been having a bit of a crap time. Everything in my life seems to be going wrong. I haven't got the same blogging bug that I used to have, people I thought I could count on disappeared when I really needed them and all in all I am stuck in a funk that I can't get out of because I've shut myself away from the world.
Whilst shutting myself away helps to not be hurt by more people however it also means that I can't talk everything through with proper friends or just get a good hug which what I really need to do/get. When things get hard, I have a few ways of getting myself out of little moods or just ways to deal with things when it feels like everything is going wrong.
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Online Shop. I am a shopaholic/beauty hoarder and I often find a way of cheering myself up a little is to online window shop. This to me means to go on Boots/MAC/ Space NK/ Selfridges and create a basket of goodies that I want to own. Most of the time I don't go through to the checkout stage but on the odd occasion I will treat myself and press confirm payment.
Music. Without music I am nothing, it can make me laugh, it can make me cry, it can my throat sore when I scream it at the top of my lungs. So my first step to getting me out of any mood is to pop my headphones on and putting on my iPod or my Spotify account on my laptop. Nothing does better for cheering me up than dancing round my room to some proper 90s cheesy music or singing musical songs outside in the garden in a sheep onesie at 9pm on a Friday night.
YouTube. Like music, YouTube has cheered up when things have been bad. In case you are looking for things to cheer you up may I suggest any of the whisper challenge videos or one of my favourites Grace Helbig's Fart Sound Board Challenge . If you don't laugh at that one then you are too much of an adult and we can't be friends.
Talk it out. The community of friends I have gained on twitter means that I know I've always got someone out there who I can talk to. Whether it's about blogging, life in general or just getting a bit of advice, there's always someone there.
If you ever feel like poop remember, there is always someone there. If you ever need a chat, my twitter is @tloatb90 feel free to drop me a message. You are never alone.
Lots of Love,
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