
Blogging Friends

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Hey there,

For the first time in a long time, I got out of the house (that wasn't for work), got on a train and met up with my lovely friend, Zoe.


I met Zoe nearly three years ago. If my memory serves me correctly, we chatted on twitter before meeting at a blogging meet up and since then we have been good friends. She was one of my first blogging friends and she is probably one of my best friends. It's crazy to me to think that without writing about make up and life, I wouldn't have ever met her.

What is great about making friends with fellow bloggers is that they understand your blogging stresses and dislikes because they suffer from them too. Like I said before, we met up yesterday for a catch up in Birmingham and it was nice to have a moan about blogging and about hyped up products that we absolutely hate.

It's also good to catch up with fellow bloggers in real life because with social media being so quick to change, you could miss out on a good blog post/ video or some blogging drama so it's good to share notes over a coffee (we had good).

There is one thing that could be seen as being a downside to having blogging friends...they are all enablers. Whilst shopping yesterday, myself and Zoe spend a good amount of time looking at beauty bits and bobs. We spent a good fifteen minutes at the Jo Malone Counter spraying different scents onto the little cards and making each other smell them... I now need have of the collection.

Do you have a good blogging friend? Could you imagine life without them?

Lots of Love,

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